Sunday, February 24, 2008

surya namaskar

As much as I gripe about living in the middle of nowhere out here, it can be pretty fantastic at times. This morning, much like most other mornings here, went something along the lines of:

- convince myself to get out of bed at 6:50 am
- wash my face, walk for 5 minutes to the yoga studio
- on the way there, play with the new absolutely adorable puppies for a bit
- 1 hour of yoga (new years resolution will be completed by march and i'll have 10 months to celebrate)
- walk back, play with puppies again and hold them for little girls so they can pet them
- breakfast!
- naptime before class!

It's like a little mini awesome day at the beginning of every day. And there's definitely not 10 inches of snow on the ground which, as much as it pains me to be missing such a glorious demonstration of the radness of winter, is actually kind of a nice experience.

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